Thursday, September 29, 2011

And sometimes you just have to do something odd.

So the Homeless Youth Alliance in SF is hurting for dough. As someone who did work for a homeless shelter in Solano County, this is something great to donate some spare change to. More info on how to do that is on the Homeless Youth Alliance website.

Or you can do something silly like Mister Bennet Austin did to force more people to become aware of actual issues [IMO, "first world problems" such as not enough money to get sushi, whining about issues with your car/computer/cell phone are not real problems. Sure, I'll bitch and moan about any bumps I hit in the road of life, but they aren't real problems. Just annoyances.]

In any case, I am feeling a bit inspired. Find a way to make humanity [or just your community] more aware of the real issues at hand. Be obnoxious about it. Find out about a real problem? Try to find a way to fix it, or at least help out however you can. It makes your insides all warm and fuzzy. I believe they're called Karma points.

Cheers kiddos,

D. Monster

Controversies will get your beliefs known.

Sometimes you have to be a little racist to get your point across.

UC Berkeley students held a bake sale that stirred up some controversy. I think its brilliant. I also think it is hilarious.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Take a Stand.

I am sure everyone here has heard about the recent event of Troy Davis' execution. If not, you're living under a fucking rock. Which also means you shouldn't be on this computer. Give that nice human their computer back and kindly return to your rock.

If you're still here and have no clue what I am talking about and the computer IS yours, if you found my blog you can find Google. Do yourself a favor and learn to be self sufficient. Consider that a lesson in modern day survival.

In any case, in one of the interviews done a day or two prior to Davis' untimely death, he expressed that he would not be disappointed if he was not exonerated. He explained to the interviewer [yes, next time I will link to sources. It is 5:13 am and I haven't slept yet, and as I said before, you can learn to be self sufficient] that not being exonerated would only make his story more known, and cause people to understand how fucked up our judicial system really is.

Now, you can argue whether or not this man was guilty. Keep your beliefs, that was not the point. The point in this little rant right here was that a man on death row, who was possibly innocent, was not afraid to die at the hands of the law to make his story known.

I leave you now with a story I argued with my own mother about...about a man who died for his beliefs and his story. Personally, I had chills that someone in today's society had enough fucking balls and passion to take it this far. Obviously my mother did not agree, but I think this is fucking beautiful.

I dare you to not grow the balls to stand up for yourself in your every day life. It is time for a change.